Directions to 1900 Long Beach Blvd. Suite 100 Long Beach, CA 90806
1900 Long Beach Blvd. Suite 100 Long Beach, CA 90806
Family and Community Supports
Designed to meet the need of youth/students, parents, families and community member through relevant, meaningful and life-changing services.
Mental Health Awareness & Training
Provide outreach and educate on mental health issues and provide prevention services to adults and staff locally and nationally.
Pre-K/Kinder Supports
A collaborative project with Long Beach Unified School District (LBUSD), to provide program support staff to transitional kindergarten and kinder classrooms at selected LBUSD elementary schools to support classroom teachers.

New American Welcome Center
Provide newcomer immigrants with services and social supports to enable and empower them to become more integrated and civically engaged in the greater society.